[FRIAM] new math of complexity

glen gepropella at gmail.com
Fri Jun 14 16:03:04 EDT 2024

I'd intended to let the Lex Fridman reference pass without comment. But then Youtube fed me this video:


"Dave: Yes, Joe. You really do seem to be startlingly aware of how awful your show is. If you keep poisoning the masses with ridiculous lies, nobody will be able to navigate reality and we will destroy ourselves."

"Billy: And him and I have very similar theories on how the power generation occurred. And I believe that the Nile, which used to run up close to the pyramids, the water would run underneath the pyramids. And that would create something called physiostatic electricity as it ran underneath that magnetized crystal granite. Those ions would pour up into the chamber, move up the grand gallery, where there used to be resonating rods. You can see the slots where the rods used to be. They're removed now. But the slots are still there. Then it would be pushed into the King's chamber, where it would be amplified and some type of fusion would take place then forced up through the apex. And then the crystal granite obelisks around the region would capture that ambient wireless electricity. And then if you had something like a jet, which looks like a Tesla coil, you can capture that energy and you can transfer it into a device for things like gold electroplating, for any of the electrical tools you need ..."

Sure, as EricS points out, Fridman's cohort may have more credible members than Rogan's cohort ... or maybe not. But it brings up the great exploration v exploitation dilemma ... a bit like the paradox of tolerance <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance>. One of Fridman's schticks is "love" ... to entertain, say, fascists who, were they to be in any sort of powerful position, would gladly destroy you and all your loved ones. But as long as they're fringe enough, you can listen to them with the same credulity with which you listen to, say, Sara Walker. Maybe it's a form of security through obscurity? There's so much traffic that nobody can separate the wheat from the chaff. So Lex can't be a part of the alt-right pipeline. Obviously.

[sigh] Charitability can be a vice. Maybe we should do ourselves and our cohort a favor and be less charitable.

On 6/13/24 12:42, steve smith wrote:
> It might be a coincidence but I just happened to dial up the latest Lex Fridman interview with Sara Walker ( https://search.asu.edu/profile/1731899 ) who some may know through her role as associate director of the ASU-SFI Center for Biosocial Complex Systems.
> She starts out with simple Materialist/Vitalist contrasts but alludes (nearly) to Marcus latest snark: /"//Simulate from first principles: //https://www.vasp.at///"/

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