[FRIAM] Fridman V Rogan (V Rutt), Tolerance and Charitability

steve smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Fri Jun 14 18:08:47 EDT 2024

Glen wrote:

> a bit like the paradox of tolerance 
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance>.

Thanks for this reference... it reminds me of a few other similar ones 
involving unintended and counter-intuitive outcomes:

Jevons Paradox:

    as technological improvements increase the efficiency with which a
    resource is used, the overall consumption of that resource may
    actually increase rather than decrease.

Braess's Paradox:

    Braess's Paradox states that adding extra capacity to a network,
    such as a new road in a traffic system, can paradoxically reduce the
    overall efficiency and increase congestion

Peltzman Effect*:*

    safety regulations and devices (such as seat belts) intended to
    reduce risk may lead to compensatory behavior, where individuals
    engage in riskier behavior because they feel more protected.**

Moral Hazard:

    situations where individuals or institutions take on more risks
    because they do not bear the full consequences of those risks, often
    due to insurance or other safety nets.
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