[FRIAM] Fridman V Rogan (V Rutt), Tolerance and Charitability

steve smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Fri Jun 14 21:37:02 EDT 2024

ericS> Russell Brand, right?
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell_Brand
> I am put in mind of Joaquin Phoenix’s style of preening as Joker in whichever batman movie it was.

I remember when Dennis Miller was a comedic darling of the left until 
after 9-11 when he seemed to do a full 180...  and my lefty friends 
(mostly women) went crazy when he started loving on Bush and the Patriot 
Act and Authoritarian and Intolerant memes.

Somehow Jon Stewart has managed not to take that fall...  I think he's 
safe but not sure...

I have never heard his side of that story, but I've presumed he took the 
same line more than a few of my previously Lefty friends of taking such 
exception to realizing that we (Americans/Western Culture) are the 
"Great Satan" to a lot of very angry (and sometimes very capable) folks 
from the middle east.   Like there are "no athiests in foxholes" some 
might say "there are no liberals on the wrong end of crime/terrorism"?   
I'm not sure the distinction is left/right so much as something like 

I did love the Joaquin Phoenix Joker presentation... I think many 
high-profile "charismatic" characters *are* on some psychotic spectrum...

I think we are drawn to a little bit of crazy?

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