The sphere will automatically rotate to display the state of the cellular
automata on its surface. The lighter patches are in the on or alive state,
the darker, transparent patches are in the off or dead state.
Clicking the word "Step" will cause the CA to go through a
number of rule iterations. The number of steps can be changed. The rules
each cell follows can also be changed. The "Live Rules" specify
how many alive neighbors an alive cell needs to stay alive in the next
step. By default an alive cell needs 1 or 2 alive neighbors to stay alive
in the next step. Correspondingly, if an alive cells has 0 or 3 alive
neighbors it will die on the next step. The "Born Rules" specify
how many alive neighbors a dead cell needs to become alive on the next
step. By default a dead cell needs 2 alive neighbors to become alive on
the next step. If a dead cells has 0,1 or 3 alive neighbors it will remain
dead. Rules can be changed and must be specified in the format [n1, n2...n].
The number can range from 0 to 3, because each cell can have from 0 to
3 alive neighbors.
After changing the rules the simulation must be restarted by clicking
on "Restart". This will redraw a new sphere with half of the
cells alive. Clicking "Step" will then execute the new rules.