[FRIAM] *Bah!* - Trump - Become smarter in minutes

glen ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Wed Apr 26 14:45:40 EDT 2017

On 04/26/2017 11:37 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> Hey, wait.  "bah" is the sound a lamb makes, going back to the OP.    :)
> Have you ever seen those big bags of meat sold at Costco?   This brings a whole new meaning.

Heh, I wonder if we'll feed lab-grown meat to lab-grown humans, all embedded in a lab-grown society?  The world is our computer.

> Information is what information processors seek out, like humans seek out sugar.  Wisdom and knowledge and all that are just higher order forms that result from the basic appetite.

And don't forget we have early Socrates, who would claim both ignorance _and_ wisdom ... and maybe even wisdom through the recognition of your ignorance.  That would argue that wisdom sits on a different branch from knowledge.

☣ glen

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