[FRIAM] Globalism in the age of populism? .. & Open Source Software

glen ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Fri Jan 27 17:00:10 EST 2017

No.  It seemed to me that you quit the conversation.  Of course, I can't be sure you got my last message.  But I left off challenging the (especially remote) diagnosis of NPD as purely phenomenological (type 2).  And given Nick's idea that recursive explanations are fundamentally different from flat ones, I also provided a rather detailed challenge to that.

So, it seems to me that Trump's learned behavior (pre military school, but by some accounts even in college) may easily be a consequence of learning how to _deal_ with his introverted nature, especially in the context of an overbearing father.

The primary aspect of what I see about Trump is that he's compensating for deep insecurities.  Perhaps deep insecurities can percolate out to exhibit as introvertedness or narcissism, especially since the entire process of diagnosis is solely phenomenological.  But I readily admit my ignorance and would love to learn how I'm wrong.

On 01/27/2017 01:43 PM, Frank Wimberly wrote:
> Sorry, but Trump is not an introvert.  It's true that introversion can be caused by extrovert-like impulses.  But Trump is a narcissist.  I thought I had sent enough evidence.

☣ glen

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