[FRIAM] [[Narcissism Again]again]

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Sun Jan 29 14:05:52 EST 2017


“But I don’t know if productivity of those 24/7 workers has been measured in a sound, qualitative way.”

There is a certain euphoria in momentum even if it means long hours, especially if it is a task that is self-directed.  Stopping hurts more than it helps.  Days, weeks, months can pass if I’m in that zone.  The most draining thing for me is getting tasking to do this or that unmotivated or pointless random thing, and especially if I know the people handing out the instructions don’t particularly know (or care about) what they are doing.   To get such requests 24/7 would be horrible.   Imagine what kind of monsters could accept such guidance from the Donald day in and day out.


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