[FRIAM] Quick cross posting re:website maker sugestions

Gillian Densmore gil.densmore at gmail.com
Tue May 2 14:55:41 EDT 2017

Hi all!
I'm trying my hand again at making a fun place for people to work together
on stuff.

I've run into a wall were wordpress might not be the right thing to use.
I've got a webpage i've been slowly starting for that at


It's got a few bugs in the CSS. For example the center floating div isn't
picking up google font rules. I hope that's a easy fix. I think I know what
the problem might be.


Before I got any further I kept thinking: if I need a bunch of plugins for
this place to do what I think I want...then it's probably the wrong tool..

For example
 think I want something where litterally while looking at it I can try out
different set ups from fonts, menu's so so as it has fun star trek's
starfleet type of theme going.
I think I'm looking for is a fun futuristicy  type thing going that's fun
and easy to use.
I think I want the option to try to litterally be able to put tittles
anouncements and  posts in different parts of the page while looking at it
so I know what it'll look like when someone else goes there. (Hopefully
they do!)

It's only about 2 weeks old and that's when I ask myself: is this reely the
tool for the job?
For example

One of my concerns is that if even getting it setup keeps having gremlins
and needing 99 plugins to work. That  meen wordpress is simply the wrong
doodad. That's fine. However I don't know what else is out there that might
be the right tool.

So recomend away. LOL other than: dude! get a coppy editor and speel
checker. Yes I know it's got a few typos and spelling errors. But I just
wanted to set up the first page, see how things look, and ask myself: is
that reely the tool I want to be using? if not what is?

Hi I'm setting up a play nice website as a hobby and boy was that PITA to
do in wordpress.
Is there a better tool for this?
Oh and here is the problem page with proof of a bunch of bugs:

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