[FRIAM] the arc of ai (was Re: Whew!)

glen ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Thu May 4 18:37:19 EDT 2017

So, how do they feel about policing the other self-described "anarchists"?  I.e. calling out groups like the black bloc as "outsiders" or whatnot?  If someone comes to me and says "I'm an anarchist", what choice do I have but to assume they're a violent idiot who would rather throw bricks through my window than tolerate a demonstrably effective bureacracy?

On 05/04/2017 12:13 PM, Merle Lefkoff wrote:
> They are "thoughtful anarchists" who do non-violent civil disobedience---the stuff people like "Earth First" used to do, when they were holding down the far left of the old environmental movement.  Some consider their actions"destructive" but they don't promote violence in their own ranks.  They know, however, that their provocations often provoke outsiders to respond with violence.

☣ glen

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