[FRIAM] Individualism

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Thu Dec 27 20:04:00 EST 2018

David remarks:

"2- Individualism is about responsibility - not ego, not 'privilege' - and includes a deeply felt responsibility to aid others who's circumstances mandate such aid. Questioning the means of providing that aid is not an argument against providing it. (Same thing is true of climate change - for the majority, not the straw man characterization - it is not a question of science, but of means for rectification.)"

The notion of what circumstances mandate aid is presented as objective, but it is subjective.   It is not sufficiently grounded to be a basis for an argument about how to design and maintain systems of governance.  It does not uncover any subjective detail of other groups who have other experiences.   Here you even invoke providing aid as if there was someone in need or vulnerable as opposed to people who are actively oppressed and exploited at every possible turn and on the receiving end of a malicious dominant culture.

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