[FRIAM] Fwd: Hywel White - Update

Frank Wimberly wimberly3 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 20 13:09:22 EDT 2018

Frank Wimberly



Phone (505) 670-9918

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Richard <rgwhite1108 at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jun 20, 2018, 11:06 AM
Subject: RE: Hywel White - Update
To: <eposfrotunno at gmail.com>, <tealex88 at gmail.com>, <lynnielee1103 at gmail.com>,
Tricia Rosenberg <triciarosenberg at icloud.com>, <kathleen at boulderhedge.com>,
<jfpaints at gmail.com>, eleonora <eleonora at cybermesa.com>, JANUSZ WILCZYNSKI <
wilczyn at wildblue.net>, Diana Westmoreland <diana.westmoreland0805 at gmail.com>,
Eleanor Evans <caegarw1 at gmail.com>, <godfreymair at btinternet.com>, Amanda <
amandashearman at yahoo.co.uk>, <shearman at waitrose.com>, <mlark at earthlink.net>,
<wimberly3 at gmail.com>, Alan O Lebeck <alan.o.lebeck at msti-online.com>, Mair
and Godfrey Worsey <gogs at xcedes.com>
Cc: <chris at thecmcgroup.com>, Cathie White <cathie at cathiewhite.com>, Donna
White <dwhite0304 at gmail.com>, Anne Scott <annescott8166 at gmail.com>, <
rgwhite1108 at gmail.com>

This e-mail is to update people that we have been in touch with during the
past couple of weeks.

It is with sadness that Christopher and I share the news that Hywel passed
away peacefully earlier this morning at home.

Hywel had a wonderful Father’s Day, sharing it with much of his family and
some friends who stopped by.  We hadn’t seen him smile so much in quite
some time (you can see pictures on his Facebook page). It was a real treat!

Unfortunately, he had a fall early Monday morning and fell into a coma that
day.  Although he was resting comfortably in his bed over the last few
days, he was not responsive.  We were told it was just a matter of time,
and, at just before 8 o’clock this morning, he passed away peacefully.  We
are sure that he is in a better place and has joined Frances to be together

Many of Hywel’s immediate family were able to visit with him in the past
few weeks and we would all like to thank everyone for your kind wishes and
support.  Although losing someone close is never easy, we rest more
comfortably knowing that given the situation, this is what Hywel wanted and
he probably couldn’t have scripted his departure more to his liking.

After we have a little more time to regroup, we will likely send out a more
formal notice of Hywel’s passing but we wanted to share news in a timelier
fashion with many of you.  Please feel free to circulate this to others
whose e-mails we do not have and we will be in touch.

Thanks again, Rich/Chris

PS – don’t forget his Facebook page where people are sharing some of their
very nice thoughts.

*From:* Richard [mailto:rgwhite1108 at gmail.com]
*Sent:* Saturday, June 16, 2018 6:39 PM
*To:* eposfrotunno at gmail.com; talexander at sfhumanesociety.org;
tealex88 at gmail.com; lynnielee1103 at gmail.com; 'Tricia Rosenberg' <
triciarosenberg at icloud.com>; kathleen at boulderhedge.com;
frank.wimberly at biosgroup.com; louis at lanl.gov; jfpaints at gmail.com;
'eleonora' <eleonora at cybermesa.com>
*Cc:* chris at thecmcgroup.com; 'Cathie White' <cathie at cathiewhite.com>;
'Donna White' <dwhite0304 at gmail.com>; 'Anne Scott' <annescott8166 at gmail.com>
*Subject:* Hywel White - Updates & Facebook
*Importance:* High

This e-mail is being sent to friends of Hywel White in the Santa Fe area.
I apologize in advance for those who should also be included.  We don’t
necessarily have everyone’s e-mail addresses (like his tennis group) and
we’re hoping that the current addressees can share this with others and
complete the communications loop.

As almost all of you know, Hywel has been struggling with lung cancer and
is very weak.  He has little to no appetite and has lost a fair amount of
weight.  He also tends to sleep a lot but can still communicate with
visitors in whispers.  He does still recognize people and generally enjoys
short visits on occasion.  Special alert though:  Hywel has not become more
talkative with age!  😊

Rather than try to keep folks updated on Hywel’s status via intermittent
e-mails, Chris and I have resurrected Hywel’s Facebook page and will
provide updated posts from time to time https://www.facebook.com/hywel.white
.  If any of you would like to “Friend” Hywel, please do and we will accept
for him.  We’re are hoping this is the best technological solution to use.

Thanks in advance for everyone’s support.  We will be sending another
e-mail to family and overseas contacts (to limit size) but please feel free
to share this with other people as you would like.


Email – rgwhite1108 at gmail.com

Mobile – (302) 367-9126
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