[FRIAM] Flying down the Ohio Valley

Nick Thompson nickthompson at earthlink.net
Sat Sep 29 16:01:40 EDT 2018

To the Weather Nerds among you, 


I've been flying down the Ohio Valley for the last hour at 38kft.  Just
crossed the Mississippi above St. L.  I sprang for the WIFI and so now I
have a clear view of the bottom of the atmosphere out the window and a
skew-t diagram <https://www.spc.noaa.gov/exper/soundings/help/index.html>
and weather map <https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/noaa/noaa.gif>  of the same
on my computer screen.  There ought to be SOME relation between them!


Flying down to Baltimore from Hartford there were scattered to broken clouds
arranged in "streets" and quasi streets and proto streets. But the
interesting thing was that the streets were arranged with respect to each
other all higgledy=piggeldy, even at what appeared to me the same layer.
This made me think that the "streeting" of clouds is not, as I had always
supposed imposed on a layer by forces extrinsic to that layer, but something
that "self organizes"  within the layer and that the layer I was looking at
was at some critical state with trying to decide which way to street.  


Does anybody have anything to say about any of this? 




Nicholas S. Thompson

Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Biology

Clark University



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