[FRIAM] words RE: words

uǝlƃ ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Tue May 7 11:51:34 EDT 2019

I know you directed the post to Dave. Obviously, you weren't talking to me. 8^) But I will again demonstrate my lack of manners and interrupt, anyway.

It's common to denigrate those who answer questions with questions. But my response to the scout would be: "Well, what did you EXPECT to happen?"

Give a man a fish ... yadda yadda.

On 5/5/19 10:53 PM, Nick Thompson wrote:
> So, imagine yourself talking to a group of boy (girl-) scouts.   You have just demonstrated to them the phenomenon of Cellular Automaton #30 (or whatever) bursting into seething dog vomit at iteration 10,601 (or whatever) (or bursting out of seething dog vomit into grand pyramids of pyramids, ad infinitum, what*/EVER!/*).  One of the scouts asks, “Professor Dave, why did that happen then?”  And once you have explained that to them, please explain to them how that explanation is not an adequate explanation of consciousness.

☣ uǝlƃ

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