[FRIAM] capitalism vs. individualism

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Thu Nov 7 13:22:45 EST 2019

 Glen writes:

< My own cocktail party attempts have focused on *entitlement*. So many of my elders (Boomers) criticize Millenials for their entitlement, that it makes for a good hook. When they start bitching about how Millenials expect this or that, I try to turn the tables and say *Yes!* We want them to be entitled. We want them to feel safe walking down the street, entitled to roam the streets at all hours without getting raped. We want them to have avocado toast at their local cafe because avocados are good for you. >

I think we (>= GenX) aren't getting the message.   The subtext is "How is it you morons didn't figure this out?"


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