[FRIAM] capitalism vs. individualism

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Sat Nov 9 13:56:03 EST 2019

Dave writes:

   "And, in the case of Trump, motivated by deeply bruised egos."

It is just not so.   Sure, I was disappointed when George W was elected.   I was disappointed by what I saw was a preference too many people had for a good 'old boy rather than a person with ideas for governance.   When 9/11 happened, I was supportive of the use of violence.  I remember his State of the Union address and being amazed I supported this guy -- the loyal opposition.   But this is what had to be done. That carried over to Obama with the drone strikes too.   Ugly measures are sometimes needed for the greater good, or at least our good. 

I see the red hat folks in much the same way I see militant Islamists.   People with a backward way of thinking that need constant oversight.  A danger to themselves and others.   They are cultural regressions waiting to happen, and both of them did.  It really doesn't have anything to do with Hillary and Donald.



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