[FRIAM] narcissism

uǝlƃ ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Wed Apr 29 11:00:47 EDT 2020

It may look like analysis paralysis when one party simply restates their position with no more evidence each time. (Am not! Are too! Am not! ;^) But for my part, teasing out whether the narcissism is something we can actually use or not *is* an attempt to formulate plans of action.

The question is, do you take actions based on some unprofessional diagnosis-at-a-distance? Or do you take actions based on the clear evidence that even a Trump supporter can agree with [†]. There's a slim chance that the media, the House, DNC/Biden, and groups like the rule-of-law-republicans could leverage the administrations incompetence in targeting everyday Trump supporters, perhaps even well enough to carry any decisions that made it to the SCOTUS. 

With what little reading I've done, I'm leaning toward the idea that the narcissism rhetoric isn't actionable in any way. It might work for Fauci and Birx to keep their jobs long enough to mitigate the damage. (Though I agree with the argument that if everyone enables a narcissist it does more damage than explicit interpersonal countering of all their grandiose mechanisms.) But it seems useless for any larger, collective action.

All the actionable rhetoric lies in targeting the incompetence. Beyond partisanship, it's simply true.  The admin is incompetent in *many* domains. And all the narcissism rhetoric does is make the rhetor look partisan.

[†] I think we've almost lost the chance to act on these "reopen protests". We could have come out ahead of the morons and argued for reopening in a *competent* way, emphasizing the 3 milestones: curve downturn, enough testing, contact tracing. Each of these could have been customized for context (e.g. in places like here in Olympia, where our hospitals are nowhere near overwhelmed, our curve's been headed down for awhile, etc.). But we've insisted on tight lockdowns *regardless* of context. Even if tight lockdowns are, in an ideal world, the right thing to do, we *could* have gotten out ahead of the morons and their protests.

On 4/28/20 6:31 PM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> Analysis paralysis:  Execute plans against these individuals.

☣ uǝlƃ

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