[FRIAM] square land math question

uǝlƃ ↙↙↙ gepropella at gmail.com
Thu Jul 23 12:12:43 EDT 2020

But a *relevant* question for me is whether or not you can divide an infinitesimal point into an infinity of points? My *guess* is that a point divided an infinite number of times is like a power set and is a greater infinity than the point, itself. But I still haven't read a book I bought awhile ago: "Applied Nonstandard Analysis". It's a bit dense. 8^D I've read many of the English intros and such and a few of the proofs ... but Whew! It's almost exactly like Alexandrov's "Combinatorial Topology". I've given up and just cherry-pick sections that I only kindasorta understand by analogy at this point. At least with math papers I don't feel like such a failure when I give up on reading it ... another way papers are better than books!

On 7/23/20 8:48 AM, uǝlƃ ↙↙↙ wrote:
> And it's similarly degenerately trivial to divide a point into 2 points.

↙↙↙ uǝlƃ

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