[FRIAM] Acid epistemology - Eric Help!!!!

uǝlƃ ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Tue Mar 10 13:54:11 EDT 2020

I disagree, but maybe only because I'm trying to generalize into categories of experience. For example, you can put your body into a ketogenic state (assuming it's not all pseudoscience) by exercising long enough, burning all the available glucose and begin burning ketones. You can do this by running long distances *or* by fasting for long periods. In principle, then, we might be able to achieve the same (or similar) state by 2 methods: intense exercise or intense fasting.

Of course, that doesn't change your basic point, which is akin to Nick's, by saying an experience is somewhat atomic. You can't parse it up such that you can reconstruct it (with language) in another person. You can only reference it and invoke it in another whose had their own (first-hand).

But if the same (or similar) experience can be had by 2 different toolchains, then there's something about that experience that *can* be decomposed and re-assembled elsewhere/elsewhen.

On 3/10/20 10:01 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> I don't think the experience can be conveyed to someone that doesn't exercise to a sufficient intensity, it can only be referenced.

☣ uǝlƃ

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