[FRIAM] Zoom invite for March 20 Virtual FRIAM

Stephen Guerin stephen.guerin at redfish.com
Wed Mar 18 23:41:21 EDT 2020

I configured to auto mute attendees when they enter to minimize feedback
issues and background noise. You can unmute yourselves when you would like
to speak. I will be there to Host.

I suggest that we have a reasonably focused conversation given an online

Some suggestions:

   - China, Singapore, South Korea and Israel have achieved good collective
   action against COVID-19 but at sometimes at great privacy and freedom
   costs. The US might need to find an alternate path. What might that look
   - What might Applied Complexity approaches offer a Epidemic Intelligence
   Service <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epidemic_Intelligence_Service>
   - How can we have collective intelligence while maximizing privacy
   during an epidemic?
   - How can we have collective action while maintaining freedom?
   - Latest thinking on ABM and SIR Epidemic modeling and validation
   - How do we get realtime location intelligence to and from the citizens
   while maximizing privacy? (George Duncan)
   - others?

Tom, can you start a google doc and invite folks to edit?

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 330 929 933

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Meeting ID: 330 929 933
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aeFVtAwDkj
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