[FRIAM] SAR-CoV-2 and potential drug re-purposing

Barry MacKichan barry.mackichan at mackichan.com
Tue Mar 24 10:17:10 EDT 2020

Our NZ daughter sent us this link and calls the paper a *tour de force*. 
They have identified 332 high confidence coronavirus and human protein 
interactions, among which are 67 druggable human proteins or host 
factors targeted by 69 existing FDA-approved drugs, drugs in clinical 
trials or preclinical compounds. The work of evaluating these for 
efficacy is under way.


A reminder: this is a preprint that has not been peer-reviewed, so the 
usual cautions apply.

A selected sample of comments on the article:

* Wow - open access publishing and pre-print servers sure do accelerate 
scientific discoveries. Who would have thought...
* Wow! This is f-ing awesome! (This one was retweeted many times)
* And fast!

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