[FRIAM] What Is the Real Coronavirus Toll in Each State? - The New York Times

thompnickson2 at gmail.com thompnickson2 at gmail.com
Wed May 6 11:24:07 EDT 2020

Hi, Everybody

This article greatly puzzled me because it seemed to eviscerate it self in
the last few paragraphs.  


My main concern here is the degree to which I am being deluded by my
addiction to the Rachel Maddow Show.  She is in HairOnFire mode about an
impending epidemic in the plains states.  She is particularly caustic about
the bad judgement of plains states governors.  But if the times charts are
right, one can see (sort of) why those governors are not as alarmed as we
smarty-pantses think they ought to be.  There aren't that many people dying
full stop, even tho people ARE dying of covid.  (Not to mention that most of
the people who are dying of covid are poorish people working in meet packing
plants.)  What is this New Abnormal we seem to find ourselves in?


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