[FRIAM] Biden beats Trump

Jochen Fromm jofr at cas-group.net
Sun Nov 8 05:18:42 EST 2020

America has been able to accomplish what Europe has not been able to do before WW II: stop fascism (in form of an authoritarian dictatorship) before it was able to take root in the system. Congratulations! It feels good that the old America is back. People are celebrating in the streets in NY and DC while team Trump is holding one of the last press conferences at the Four Seasons Total Landscaping (!) center in Philadelphia. It is hard to say what is bigger: the malice or the incompetence of team Trump. It is such a relief that we no longer have to hear each day about Trump.https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/11/four-seasons-total-landscaping-trump-team-news-conference.html-J.
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