[FRIAM] why some people hate cops

uǝlƃ ↙↙↙ gepropella at gmail.com
Thu Sep 24 15:33:35 EDT 2020

Excellent! So, the idea is to place a higher order operator in amongst the lower order operators over which the higher order one operates, thereby making the expression impredicative. Damnit, there's a name for sentences like that ... not merely recursive or iterative. I can't remember it, though. "Reflective" maybe?

Ordinarily, I'd argue that such loopy definitions aren't extraordinarily expensive. I tend to think it's necessary for what we normally think of as "alive" or "conscious". But I suppose there are pathological cases, neuroses, or OCD, where the reflection swamps the rest of the machine.

On 9/24/20 12:25 PM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> In your example of migrating zero and non-zero terms in the infinite expression of all things:   As the correlations become more massive I start thinking let's replace that with a representative agent; let's compress that mess of proliferation back down to one thing.    Religion is a virus and a fundamental cause of that mess of proliferation.   All we've come up with in this country so far is to make them tolerate each other, no thanks to the best efforts of Bill Barr and so on.    I would say it is slightly pleasing how they tend to eat each other.   But man it is an expensive soap opera to produce.

↙↙↙ uǝlƃ

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