[FRIAM] God in Science and Religion (was Re: why some people hate cops)

uǝlƃ ↙↙↙ gepropella at gmail.com
Fri Sep 25 15:36:15 EDT 2020

I'm not clear on whether dandy is an insult, or not ... But I don't think the Pentagon will support Trump. Despite some popular rhetoric, our military is mostly strategic, which is what allows us to be all volunteer. Brute force things get a lot of press. But it's the subtle work that does the heavy lifting. And Trump is way too sloppy and disengaged to be part of that crowd. ... Now, were he competent as opposed to merely evil, they might back him.

With no data, I expect a large share of the GOP to back him. Parties, including the Democrats are, solely, mechanisms for gaining and maintaining power. That the Democrats are slightly left is the only reason they show any ability to govern. 

I don't regard the EPA as a significant player. So it doesn't much matter what they'll back. But my guess would be that most people who work there would not back Trump. The USPS seems the same, except for their union, which I would not expect to back Trump.

If much of the GOP money is "dark", then that's where the Trump support will come from. Any sunlight shed on the individuals and corporations that provide such support helps identify those who want to gain and maintain their power. One worry I have are the gov/corp hybrids like utility companies, power, water, etc. (in which I include oil refining/delivering and internet service like Century Link and Comcast). I'm not *as* concerned about corps like Microsoft or Apple because, like the EPA and the Pentagon, their constituents are well educated and subtle/strategic in ways the constituents of the utilities are not (necessarily).

That's all I got, though.

On 9/25/20 9:31 AM, jon zingale wrote:
> Assuming that there is not a peaceful transition, which organizations do you
> believe will back the coup: Pentagon*, GOP, EPA, SCOTUS, USPS? I hope that
> speculating about the loyalties of institutions may help the analysis, and
> fundamentally I hope that FriAM is a group of thinkers before that of being
> dandies.
> * https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/09/22/covid-funds-pentagon/

↙↙↙ uǝlƃ

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