[FRIAM] deductive fidelity (was Re: ideas are lies)

uǝlƃ ↙↙↙ gepropella at gmail.com
Tue Sep 29 11:46:37 EDT 2020

Yep. And I agree that the scopes of individual decisions vs. group decisions are unclear and not at all yet *backed by data*. What is the relationship between having good knees that can provide the agility and strength that carries one down through the mogul versus the industry that created the skis versus the [epi]genetics of the skier's parents? We don't know. But we *do* know that it's not *entirely* the fault of the skier when their knees fail and they tumble down to broken bones. That latter is the libertarian approach. They should have worked harder. Or they're just not "cut out" for it.

What we need is a data-driven approach to the design of our society, not a pre-installed ideology for how a society should be designed.

On 9/29/20 8:28 AM, Steve Smith wrote:
> Like the dynamic experience of downhill skiing and mogul
> bashing/carving, however, I am left trying to understand the role of
> agency and free-will in the slopes we "choose" to ski and the shape the
> runs take on under the edges of our skis (willful choices)?

↙↙↙ uǝlƃ

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