[FRIAM] Free Will in the Atlantic

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Mon Apr 5 12:14:47 EDT 2021

 < Anyway, the metaphysical commitments seep in at Church-Turing, I think. It's easy to lob accusations at, say, Roger Penrose for making a speculative argument that humans may be able to do things computers can't do. But I see both sides as making *useful* metaphysical commitments. One side has faith that our current formal systems will eventually reason over biological structures like the brain as *well* as they can reason over artifacts like the Transformer. The other side has faith that biological structures lie outside the formal systems we currently have available.>

These seem to me to physical issues not metaphysical issues.   He's not proposing that humans *cannot* be understood, but that they may be insufficiently understood.
In any case, quantum chemistry can be simulated on classical computers.  So it is a question of degree not category.


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