[FRIAM] Effigification

uǝlƃ ↙↙↙ gepropella at gmail.com
Fri Apr 9 10:52:31 EDT 2021

Yeah, that's a good point. I was surreptitiously undermined at both the dot-coms I worked for. At one of them, I confronted the guy I suspected of doing so in a small meeting with his closest allies. He took that opportunity to argue to his allies that I'd been "jockeying" for some higher rung in their stupid little corporate ladder. Some of them that knew me better disabused him of his hypothesis. One even laughed outright ... knowing what a socially incompetent fool I am. From that point on, the guy stopped bad mouthing me behind my back and began trying to use me as a lever for his own pathetic "rise to the top". [sigh]

I can't help but wonder *if*, had I been the mother of that corporate baby, would I have reacted differently? ... been more angry or upset at his ladder climbing? But to be honest, we (our group of systems engineers plus a couple of executives) had already insulated the company to some extent against the inevitable corporate bloat presented by his type. So we felt safe and they eventually sold the company despite the toxic politics. During the sale, I made it quite clear to the buyers which of us were the most political and that I was hopelessly tainted by the games. But my team of Morlocks were still clean and were retained after the buy out.

I *think* I'm still on relatively good terms with all of them, even the ones who played me. But who knows? 

On 4/9/21 7:31 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> I would separate been criticized in a fair way from being sideswiped, e.g. to a boss, to peers, or in public.   Yes some people can’t even handle having their ego injured in private.  But if someone is going after you in a way that can hurt in a substantive way, then the one must consider a response (indirectly or directly).  The worst is someone like Trump that misleads in private, only to maul on Twitter.

↙↙↙ uǝlƃ

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