[FRIAM] mysticism

Prof David West profwest at fastmail.fm
Sun Aug 22 11:36:41 EDT 2021

RE: Mysticism. Peradventure (archaic sense of the word) the following, paraphrased from an honors class I used to teach at St. Thomas, would be of interest to this group. (Sorry if disjointed — artifact of semester class to single post.)

Everyone is aware how our perceptions, our knowledge, and our understanding of the universe was altered with successive inventions like the lens (telescope), radio astronomy, and the ability to detect multiple spectra from infrared to X-ray.

For the sake of this discussion, grant an assumption of an individual mind embedded in, perceiving (experiencing), and interacting with a pervasive *Reality*. (An analog of an individual stargazer/astronomer.)

If we imagine "*Reality Apprehension* *Technology;*" is it unreasonable to assume that our perceptions, knowledge, and understanding, of *Reality* would be altered in some manner analogous to our enhanced scientific comprehension of the universe?

The Mystic would assert, "of course."

And, predictably, there are numerous advocates of various "technologies': ranging from meditations to exercises to drugs. But the most ancient traditions, pretty much universally, assert that no "technology" needs to be added at all. Innate to every organism, including humans, is a complete "Reality Apprehension System." 

The near opposite of what was required to enhance our understanding of astronomy is required to enhance our understanding of Reality. Instead to "adding" something, we must "eliminate" something.

That which is to be eliminated, is a host of "brain accretions" that put artificial barriers between our 'apparent mind' and "it's" apprehension of Reality. (My dualism is temporary and for the purpose of explanation only.)

An example of an "accretion:" consider a person in a jungle. Imagine the totality of sensory inputs (and not just the traditional 5) constantly bombarding that person. Now imagine the survival potential that a person whose brain had developed filtering shortcuts like edge detection, or part-whole generalization, over one who had to evaluate and analyze the entirety of the sensory input volume before concluding: "Tiger! Run."

Another: the attenuation of our awareness to "background" noise, simply because it is constant. We are not unaware of that noise — if someone across the room mentions our name we are immediately tuned into it — but it is below the threshold of conscious awareness.

Culture is another accretion, as is "rationality" (the ascendance of the left brain). (Science is a manifestation of the latter accretion, or rather what can be accomplished when we employ it.)

The net effect of all these accretions is to 'reduce' our Apprehension of Reality and restrict it to a small subset of stimuli that evolution, or habit or predilection, has deemed "important" or worth paying attention to.

And, of course, the Illusion of Maya is taking the 'VGA image' of Reality and accepting that it is the only thing "Real."

The full "Reality Apprehension System" of every organism continues to operate, even when we are foundering in the Illusion. What is lacking is awareness of that System and its products (knowledge, understanding, perception). We regain awareness by circumventing/eliminating all those pesky 'accretions'.

The famous Zen parable of a pond filled with ripples and waves; making it impossible to see a clear and accurate depiction of the Moon on the surface of the pond. Only when you have 'stilled' the multiple disturbances will the moon be reflected in all its glory upon the still surface.

  *  *  *  *

>From this small thought kernel it is possible to develop a semester worth of lectures and the various aspects of Mysticism and its challenges and arguments against, etc.

Not addressed: what is the "value" or what is to be "gained" if one is successful in regaining awareness of the "Reality Apprehension System" and its products?

Another time, I will eliminate the dualism, the illusion of an "I" apart from Reality, but only upon request.

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