[FRIAM] Liberal dilemmas

uǝlƃ ☤>$ gepropella at gmail.com
Mon Aug 30 18:49:26 EDT 2021


As for "revealing deeply authoritarian leanings", I think that tells us more about EricC than it does about others. "The right thing" could be understood as comprising any structured reasoning. The way I read it was that it's the right thing to lower the spread rate with distancing, masks, vaccines, etc. And because others refuse to help lower the spread rate, those of us who are willing to help lower the spread rate are left doing so for longer.

Doesn't sound authoritarian so much as pragmatic. It's not even "othering". I have such conversations within my tribe all the damned time. When you let your storage partition balloon out to terabytes of old stuff you'll never use again, you force me to either pour over my storage constantly *or* police you on your storage. Pfft. Please stop making *me* do the right thing and do the right thing yourself! Let me do the wrong thing at least sometimes. Sheesh.

On 8/30/21 3:15 PM, Jon Zingale wrote:
> What comic do you keep referencing? It may have been scrubbed by redfish.com <http://redfish.com>.

On 8/27/21 12:51 PM, Eric Charles wrote:
> I'm vaccinated, and I wear a mask in public, and I dislike everything this comic seems to be standing for. It is _anti_-liberal. It reveals deeply authoritarian leanings, and a firm dedication to "othering" those around you.  

☤>$ uǝlƃ

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