[FRIAM] bad covid story

glen gepropella at gmail.com
Mon Dec 27 13:45:11 EST 2021

Ha! Yes. I do spend a lot of time arguing with people who hold opposite views to my own. But that's *never* against my will. And it's usually over a pint ... not while I'm trying to save their damned life ... not even in my own professional role, where I've turned down quite a few clients who I simply could not help because our perspectives were misaligned.

With that false equivalence (pints at the pub vs medical care), you've just expanded your use of bullshit even further. Well done.

On 12/27/21 10:40, Eric Charles wrote:
> Man.... for someone who has repeatedly told me, when we are in zoom, about how you can share a beer with a racist skinhead, and come to find some sort of sympathetic understanding of the reasoning of where they are coming from... it is baffling the situations where you take exactly the opposite line.

Theorem 3. There exists a double master function.

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