[FRIAM] neural/symbolic integration workshop

uǝlƃ ↙↙↙ gepropella at gmail.com
Wed Feb 17 12:47:12 EST 2021

I didn't see that presentation. My attendance has been marred by a lack of work-life balance. But there is a tantalizing bidirectionality statement in the paper: "Although we have directed edges in the schema graph, we traverse it in an undirected manner: from any vertex v, we visit its neighbors from both incoming and outgoing edges." But maybe the interesting duality lies not in the ER vs DR schema but in construction-pruning, which might map better to the Feynman integral.

On 2/16/21 11:08 AM, jon zingale wrote:
> I missed the first day, and while so far the second hasn't met my
> expectations, it was cool to catch Yang-Chen's presentation on *Ontological
> Pathfinding*[1, 2]. StephenG, assuming you are out there, I am curious about
> your thoughts. How might your expansions on bidirectional path-tracing
> apply?
> [1] https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/2882903.2882954
> [2] https://github.com/yang-chen/Ontological-Pathfinding

↙↙↙ uǝlƃ

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