[FRIAM] Score one for Wokeism!

uǝlƃ ↙↙↙ gepropella at gmail.com
Fri Mar 5 14:10:05 EST 2021

Yeah, that's an excellent point, which I would reword in terms of "distance" from a ground truth. I like the distinctions evoked by naturfact, artifact, and mentifact. It's quite fun to spend some time down a rabbit hole playing around with purely imaginary nonsense ... like playing an abstract video game (https://store.steampowered.com/app/726810/Void_Cube_Runner/). But ultimately, everything we do is grounded somewhere ... otherwise we literally couldn't do it ... like the old saw about finding a truly alien species but not recognizing them as a life form because they're too alien.

If we disallowed all software defined peaks with a distance from ground > 1, then there would be no culture at all. And if we had minds and mentifacts, trading them would get you thrown in jail. So we'd have to define some distance from ground and set a fuzzy boundary around that. QAnon is clearly way too far from ground. But, say, Lense-Thirring as a solution to Dark Matter is not too far. The jury's still out on quantum computation, though. >8^D

On 3/5/21 10:50 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> I don't think it has to be the extreme case of self-referential fitness.   Q-Anon provides a scaffolding such that the landscape is "software defined".   It's not like a rabbit found some food to eat, and the food was growing due to favorable conditions on that hilltop.   The hill was there because some dorks on Facebook decided to make a hill there.   Anyway, I see what you mean by "flattening" if you really think that individuals and fitness are one and the same.   The possibility of "software defined" hills is what I would prohibit, e.g. World War Z.
> https://youtu.be/uU0DNCV22dU?t=92

↙↙↙ uǝlƃ

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