[FRIAM] great man theory

uǝlƃ ↙↙↙ gepropella at gmail.com
Fri Mar 12 14:35:49 EST 2021

Yep. We could say the same thing about Jobs and Oprah. Robbins?  No, not so much. But maybe. We're all inertial devices, accumulating cruft as we blunder along. How that cruft expresses itself not only changes over time, but, if not refactored regularly, can go pretty wonky pretty fast. (Psychedelics are one refactoring method. Our Supreme Court - SCOWA? - recently decriminalized small amounts of all drugs [⛧]. Different path from Oregon, but similar effect. ... Now all I need to do is find a trustable supplier! 8^D ... which is not so easy. We need to drastically increase our Harm Reduction testing stations: http://www.harmreductionsupplies.com/)

Wealth insulates us from sporadic error-correcting influences around us. Anonymity on the internet also insulates us. "Academic Freedom" insulates us. When it's easy to slice out a large chunk of consequences as externalities, it's easy for the cruft to express itself in weird ways.

[⛧] https://www.thestranger.com/slog/2021/03/01/55487563/washingtons-supreme-court-decriminalized-drugs-statewide-what-happens-next

On 3/12/21 10:39 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> The Michael Jackson documentary / accusation I think could be another self-reflection as to what is What is Wealth For?   
> The momentum he could have been using, in his mind, was to override the norms of society and to share affection with children -- affection that he lacked as a boy.   I believe it was Bill Maher that put this into perspective noting that some pedophiles dismember their victims.   Neverland Ranch may have been to create a new world with different rules.  It has different properties than Musk's new world, but at some level the impulse could be the same.   Neverland seems like too much of a production *just* to be for a shallow deviant purpose.   It may have had a more complex deviant purpose.   And you know, the Unabomber's remarks aren't the most insane thing I've ever heard, either.

↙↙↙ uǝlƃ

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