[FRIAM] Morphogenisis

jon zingale jonzingale at gmail.com
Sun May 9 15:58:06 EDT 2021

Please understand the context for my writing here: while waiting with
bated breath for EricS's response to my prodding[0], I am working to
better understand the larger discussion and to read EricS's paper[1].

Lately, I am working to extend grace to others in their attempts to
describe the world. For instance, when Chemero offers a dynamical systems
alternative to computation, I recognize that my knee jerks are perhaps
simply my own. He may mean something that I have yet to understand and
that projecting my own sense that dynamical systems are *just* systems
of differential (or difference) equations will cause a break from grace
and that I will lose an opportunity. Similarly, I am working to understand
Roger's blogger in a context that reconciles Chemero and Valiant (and
why shouldn't I? Roger posted his post in response to my own). All the
while, I hope to continue to allow the insights offered by Deleuze[2] to
nourish these connections and to help me make sense of any emergent

Oh well, in the meantime, back to Haldane and 150 years of attempts to
characterize fitness, back to evolutions involving ideal functions that
specify proteins and their relations, back to wondering how the notion
of functor could help to clarify that we are not simply concerned with
transitions between sets, but some hopefully specifiable excess of

[0] http://friam.471366.n2.nabble.com/no-subject-td7601231.html#a7601880

[1] And yes, I have many other questions there not applicable to this
thread as of yet. For instance, how is a hypergraph different than a
topology? Are hypergraphs also generalizations of topologies?

[2] For instance, his insights into the differences between generality
and universality, and their duals(?), particularity and singularity.
While there is quite a bit of prodding that I owe you regarding what
I read as ambiguity about universality and generality among the
pragmaticists, the bigger fish to fry is that you are not so likely to
accept the possibility (reality?) of the singular. With all of the forces
that contributors to this forum supply, what is a poor boy to do?

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