[FRIAM] hypothetical savings in persuading the vaccine hesitant

uǝlƃ ↙↙↙ gepropella at gmail.com
Mon May 10 12:42:21 EDT 2021

Lives and Costs Saved by Expanding and Expediting COVID-19 Vaccination 


We developed a computational model (transmission and age-stratified clinical and economics outcome model) representing the US population, COVID-19 coronavirus spread (02/2020-12/2022), and vaccination to determine the impact of increasing coverage and expediting time to achieve coverage.

When achieving a given vaccination coverage in 270 days (70% vaccine efficacy), every 1% increase in coverage can avert an average of 876,800 (217,000–2,398,000) cases, varying with the number of people already vaccinated. For example, each 1% increase between 40%-50% coverage can prevent 1.5million cases, 56,240 hospitalizations, 6,660 deaths, gain 77,590 QALYs, save $602.8 million in direct medical costs and $1.3 billion in productivity losses . Expediting to 180 days could save an additional 5.8 million cases, 215,790 hospitalizations, 26,370 deaths, 206,520 QALYs, $3.5 billion in direct medical costs, and $4.3 billion in productivity losses."

↙↙↙ uǝlƃ

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