[FRIAM] lurking

Steve Smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Mon Nov 8 21:55:52 EST 2021

Very interesting stuff Glen...

I'm not quite ready for going all "Rupert Sheldrake" on this subject but 
I do appreciate that there is a lot of proper scientific work gesturing 
more and more in this direction.

I'm wondering if you (or anyone else here) is familiar with Mae Wan Ho's 
work on long term/range in water...   she and her work seem to have 
pushed up against what are traditionally the domain of woo-peddlers and 
pseudoscience, but yet seems to have remained (at least barely) on the 
"real" science side of that sometimes fuzzy boundary.  I suspect that 
the bulk of her citations come from the wooverse, but that doesn't have 
to reflect on *her* credibility.



and as long as I mention Rupert, I suppose we have to nod to his son 
Merlin and his recent publication on Fungi: Entangled Life 
<https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/52668915> .   I have not read 
more than superficial reviews so far.  It probably goes on my reading 
stack just below Kimmerer's Gathering Moss 

- Steve

On 11/8/21 9:23 AM, uǝlƃ ☤>$ wrote:
> Thanks, Steve. A reminder the movie event is this Thursday:https://watch.eventive.org/aware/play/615f2c9cfb31210037ecade7
> And although these may be overvalued, they and ones like them are finally showing some progress:
> https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/CMPS?p=CMPS&.tsrc=fin-srch
> https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/MNMD?p=MNMD&.tsrc=fin-srch
> The argument surrounding plant awareness and expression is interesting. It makes sense to me to argue that if plants are "sentient" in any operable sense, their communication and self-sensing would occur at the molecular scale, perhaps going outward a bit to tissue and inward a bit to coherence. (Interesting, if a bit romantic, essay here:https://quantumfrontiers.com/2021/11/07/entangled-fields-and-post-anthropocene-computation-quantum-perspectives-for-a-healthy-planet/) But my guess is most of the larger scale sounds plants generate are non-sentient acoustic emission, like your motor clicking after you shut it off. But who knows, vibration may be similar to "force-based" treatments like physical therapy or massage ... or even acupressure. Just because acupuncture seems like pure pseudoscience, other force-based therapy, including vibration-based may have finer grained impact than we can currently account for (e.g.https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/physics-and-astronomy/ultrasonic-cavitation). Heliotropism is also a thing, I guess.
> On 11/1/21 1:37 PM, Steve Smith wrote:
>> I found this article on consciousness interestingly broadening of my own view of it:
>> https://www.geekwire.com/2021/neuroscientist-recounts-long-strange-trip-plumb-depths-consciousness/
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