[FRIAM] the cancellation arc

uǝlƃ ☤>$ gepropella at gmail.com
Tue Sep 14 15:22:23 EDT 2021

Ha! Well, not for me. I'm a technophile. Even more important than drug-induced experiences are those induced by other technologies like transcranial magnetic stimulation, which I don't regard as fundamentally different from connectivity drugs. Implants would be even better for interacting with that hairball of [intero|proprio]ceptive feedback loops that compose consciousness as well as pain.

So, I'll leave the sweat lodges and eating of wiggling things to more adventurous types like you. But the drugs need not be orally administered. I've always wanted to try to fly by painting myself with muscaria.

On 9/14/21 11:03 AM, Prof David West wrote:
> Glen: /Were I fully liberated, I'd be doing a lot more, and a lot more diverse, drugs than I do./
> Diversity of *_/experiences/_*, not just drugs!!

"Better to be slapped with the truth than kissed with a lie."
☤>$ uǝlƃ

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