[FRIAM] The Insurrection Index

glen gepropella at gmail.com
Fri Jan 7 13:50:02 EST 2022

I'll play! But I'd push not for *an* ABM, but a constellation of models, maybe not all ABMs. The main reason is for parallax. But a side reason is to explore the foundations of democracy. I just watched this talk (in celebration of World Logic Day next Friday): https://formalethics.org/sdm_downloads/bruner-slides-fe-conference/ At the very start, Justin discusses the *assumption* of political equality. I'm not convinced that democracy requires that. In my ignorance, I'm thinking ancient Greece is typically thought of as a democracy ... but it seems very different from what we mean today.

So the project might be one of exploring the space of possible models of democracy, without being prescriptive "definitions upfront!" curmudgeons. What do you think?

On 1/7/22 10:30, Jochen Fromm wrote:
> A good question. What is democracy and how can it turn into authoritarianism or fascism? There are a number of good books about fascism, like "The Anatomy of Fascism" from Robert Paxton, but as far as I know there is no agent-based model how a democratic backsliding works in terms of agents, systems and subsystems.
> I would like to work in my free time on an agent-based model how countries can experience a democratic backsliding into an authoritarian system. The site https://www.democratic-erosion.com/ has a number of good links, for example to the books from Acemoglu & Robinson (e.g. "Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy") or to the book "What is populism?" from Jan-Werner Müller.
> Anyone else interested in this topic?

Theorem 3. There exists a double master function.

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