[FRIAM] Theil

Steve Smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Mon Nov 13 22:53:34 EST 2023

On 11/13/23 6:42 PM, David Eric Smith wrote:
> Well in that case, definitely look up the interview he did with Sara 
> Walker and Lee Cronin.
> I will not comment further.
> Eric


Coincidence that I just finished Stephen Webb's updated review of the 
Fermi Paradox.  I didn't choose to read it because I have a vested 
interest in the answers (roughly 75 whack-a-moles), but rather a 
fascination with the fact that the question hasn't been advanced 
significantly since the Eric Jones' LA-UR of 198 
<https://sgp.fas.org/othergov/doe/lanl/la-10311-ms.pdf>5  (Alias Smith 
and Jones?) on the topic,  which I read as a very young LANL  Staff 
Member when it was published internally.  Or the Drake equation since 
1961?   It was also fascinating to be re-introduced to Knuth's Up-Arrow 
notatio <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knuth%27s_up-arrow_notation>n for 
expressing excruciatingly large numbers....

At the time it seemed like we hadn't been asking the question long 
enough (~40 years) for the answers to mean much (have much 
relevance?)... 40ish years later is only 2X longer yet the technical 
progress (e.g. SETI/Hubble/Webb/Deep Machine Learning/...) the silence 
of the cosmos seems significantly more pregnant?

I've given Walker/Cronin/Fridman about 70 minutes so far and my head 
hurts (in the best way)...  and I'm clearly over my head in beaucoup 
ways...   though I may not be able to stop and it will be definitely one 
of those "4 hours I will never be able to, nor want to, get back?)

    she said /"the fact that we can even talk here is a result of the
    fact that we can exchange structures in assembly space"

statements like this and implied references to abstractions like Godel 
Numbering on Assembly Indices and Kauffman's NK model, casual graphs ala 
Glymour or Perl,  L-systems, Wheeler's It-to-Bit and a spectrum from 
discovered to invented, leave me (yet more) painfully aware of how over 
my head I am...  I dismissed SFI's "interplanetary" announcements back 
when (2019) as unserious but with Ted Chiang's "Arrival" at SFI in light 
of his "Story of your Life" and the

In a few months/years I expect this type of discussion could as easily 
be actors reading a GPT-X script which entirely captures the stylization 
of a serious discussion without being (necessarily?) serious at all and 
perhaps *nobody* could tell?

The intersection of /possibility/ and /probability/ spaces seems to 
define/imply something about what I said at earlier about the difference 
between memory/imagination, past/future?  (/Will, Qualia, ???/)

I'm suspect I should follow your lead and not comment further (for 
entirely different reasons)...  If I really want to hurt myself (some 
more) I should probably cue up Fridman's interview with Wolfram back to 
back with this one.  At this rate I doubt I will ever get around to his 
interviews with Netanyahu and Kushner or Rogan...

Lex just commented "/discovering wisdom through nuanced disagreement/?" 
and it seems to be good support for Glen's agonism...

Argh...  "why does head hurt when Hulk try to think?"  maybe I should 
sign up for the Neuralink Beta and get the GPT-shield to go with it?  
With a power-tower count of components

                                            (./... must... stop... now.../ )

>> On Nov 13, 2023, at 5:57 PM, Steve Smith <sasmyth at swcp.com> wrote:
>> On 11/13/23 12:06 PM, glen wrote:
>>> You might want to check the Gurometer. Lex has an entry:
>>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Oe-af4_OmzLJavktcSKGfP0wmxCX0ppP8n_Tvi9l_yc/edit?usp=sharing 
>>> While Lex's scores are relatively low compared to some of the wackos 
>>> on the list, we are known by association. And many of Lex's guests 
>>> score relatively high.
>> Fascinating resource,  thanks!  You are a veritable font (fount) of 
>> things like this that I should probably be able to find for myself.
>> I had to look a little to find a key to the columns of the  table, I 
>> don't know if this is the preferred or only one, but it seemed close 
>> enough to be useful for my purposes:
>>     https://techhenzy.com/gurometer/
>> I haven't listened to enough of Lex's podcasts (did I mention 1-2 
>> hours each?!) to be able to evaluate what his "coupling" is with his 
>> guests... even without the GuruMeter I felt that theme ("known by 
>> association") from the more prominent/recent interviewees he has 
>> engaged... but my contingent judgement of the *content* and *style* 
>> of the interviews counterbalanced that almost to an extreme.   Which 
>> is why I brought it up here.
>> Implicit but likely opaque/arcane to your own references to community 
>> (self) policing and ?agonism?, I feel (with limited experience so 
>> far) that Fridman may well provide a regulating role within some 
>> community (of Galaxy-Brain Gurus?)...
>> I doubt I will get the 'round t'uits but it seems like there is a 
>> tensor product to be explored among these folks and their various 
>> interactions with one another...   something interesting might 
>> emerge? Maybe this only occurs to me because Lex is more of a 
>> coupling agent than a primary source of any ideas/theories/positions 
>> from what I've seen so far. I haven't investigated the GuruMeter guys 
>> enough to understand their methods but I take it for granted they are 
>> not unserious in this work.
>>> On 11/13/23 10:08, Steve Smith wrote:
>>>> It seems (maybe only to me?) that "will" is what defines the 
>>>> intersection of memory and imagination?   The 
>>>> free-will-less-ness-ers among us (ala Sopolsky 
>>>> <https://www.theguardian.com/books/2023/oct/24/determined-life-without-free-will-by-robert-sapolsky-review-the-hard-science-of-decisions>) 
>>>> may find this an entirely specious thing to consider or discuss 
>>>> (though without free will, what means "specious" or "discuss" or 
>>>> "consider" sans free-will?).
>>>> I recently discovered Lex Fridman's podcasts 
>>>> <https://lexfridman.com/podcast/> and was quite surprised by 
>>>> several things (albeit with very limited sampling... all of his 
>>>> most recent interview with Musk and a bit of his interview with 
>>>> Isaacson and about half of the Harari one):   I don't significantly 
>>>> disagree with the general mistrust of Musk in his Autistic-ish 
>>>> style and affect, but I'd say that Lex brings out the best in him, 
>>>> showing him to be capable of thoughtful and even empathetic-ish 
>>>> observations.  As I understand it (from my reading of Isaacson's 
>>>> biography of Musk) brother Kimball may also be a significantly 
>>>> similar "regulating influence" on Elon.   Grimes maybe, maybe not.  
>>>> The other mothers of his children, same-same... probably each and 
>>>> all of them for a period of time or within certain frameworks.   
>>>> And again, same with the children... though maybe projection on my 
>>>> part having been moderately well-regulated in several modes by my 
>>>> own children during each of their phases (right up to their current 
>>>> middle-agedness).
>>>> As an aside, Fridman's other interviews also all sound potentially 
>>>> fascinating... though I cringe at the fact/thought of interviews 
>>>> with Netanyahu, KanYE, Kushner, Rogan...     the commentary I've 
>>>> read around those interviews tends to skew toward "how could you 
>>>> normalize (amplify?) those A**holes by even giving them the time of 
>>>> the day???!!!?". Lex's interviews are definitely long-form (1-2 
>>>> hours) compared to today's 
>>>> tik-tok/ad-jingle/bumper-sticker/snark-pith calibrated 
>>>> sound-bitery.    I find myself avoiding them for this reason (not 
>>>> wanting to commit to listening past some of my own prejudices long 
>>>> enough to hear what they are really about?) but recognize (and have 
>>>> already begun to practice) that as with long-form written 
>>>> journalism, I can take it in bits, like I might eat a rich holiday 
>>>> meal... not try to gulp it down quickly in one sitting like a 
>>>> TV-dinner (for you X-ers, "Hot-Pocket", and Millenials == "??") for 
>>>> the mind.
>>>> My recent fascination with Deacon's "Teleodynamics", Jeff Hawkins' 
>>>> take on the structure/function of the neocortex and Ian 
>>>> McGilchrist's updated  take on brain bicameralism (Master and 
>>>> Emissary 
>>>> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Master_and_His_Emissary>) feeds 
>>>> into this question of the intersection of memory and imagination 
>>>> and the implications of Transformer Models and other Generative 
>>>> Models in general.   My direct experience with GPT-4 and DALL-E is 
>>>> significant (many 10s of hours of engagement) but still a drop in 
>>>> the bucket.  There are times when I feel that all I've done is 
>>>> engaged with an incredibly high-dimensional french-curve/bezier 
>>>> spline and thereby been able to smoothly interpolate/extrapolate a 
>>>> handful of interesting (to me) data points into what feels like a 
>>>> powerful elaboration of what is implied by said curve-fit in the 
>>>> past (unknown knowns?) and future (unknown unknowns)?    When I'm 
>>>> not totally enraptured by the (apparent?) novelty (relative to my 
>>>> expectations/predictions) of it's responses I'm generally 
>>>> disappointed at it's limited creativity...   and left puzzling over 
>>>> the question of "novelty vs creativity".
>>>> Bumble,
>>>>   - Steve
>>>> On 11/13/23 10:27 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
>>>>> It seems to me that neither Musk and Thiel are interested in the 
>>>>> unknown. They are interested in doing things they can already 
>>>>> imagine.    For Musk I thought that was because it is how he 
>>>>> raises money.   Now I think he is not imagining consciousness in 
>>>>> a, say, a transporter pattern buffer, he imagines life on the 
>>>>> Enterprise bridge in his body.   Rockets are comparatively science 
>>>>> fictiony for people that can't imagine transport without a car, so 
>>>>> he gets some points for that.
>>>>>> On Nov 13, 2023, at 10:11 AM, glen<gepropella at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> There's an interesting parallel between the Stross and Gellman 
>>>>>> pieces: Stross both laments and implicitly appreciates the 
>>>>>> bureaucracy of getting a book published, where Thiel's aggrieved 
>>>>>> by the bureaucracy of societal evolution.
>>>>>> It reminds me of the engineering-vs-biology dichotomy (yes, 
>>>>>> false, like all of them) I came to appreciate after being exposed 
>>>>>> to enough biomimetics (to kill a horse). Some of us see the world 
>>>>>> and think about how to change it, build a better world ... or 
>>>>>> perhaps destroy the world, whatever floats your inner engineer. 
>>>>>> And some of us see the world and are awestruck, hypnotized, 
>>>>>> baffled by its qualities (whether beautiful or horrifying). It's 
>>>>>> easy to give the latter a pass and denigrate the former when 
>>>>>> confronted with, say, butterflies or the Grand Canyon. And it's 
>>>>>> easy to give the former a pass when confronted with poverty and war.
>>>>>> But the next time you're at the DMV or arguing with some poor 
>>>>>> sucker manning the phones at the IRS, it can be useful to 
>>>>>> remember the falseness of the dichtomy. Similarly, when all you 
>>>>>> want to do is sleep under the stars and those damned gnats keep 
>>>>>> homing into your ears, it can be useful to think like an engineer.
>>>>>> Policy and science fiction aren't that far apart.
>>>>>>> On 11/10/23 13:46, Marcus Daniels wrote:
>>>>>>> original.png
>>>>>>> Peter Thiel Is Taking a Break From 
>>>>>>> Democracy<https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2023/11/peter-thiel-2024-election-politics-investing-life-views/675946/?utm_source=copy-link&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=share>
>>>>>>> On 11/10/23 11:26, Roger Critchlow wrote:
>>>>>>> Text of Charlie Stross' talk to Next Frontiers Applied Fiction 
>>>>>>> Day in Stuttgart on Friday November 10th, 2023, concerning where 
>>>>>>> the techno-industrial elite found their horrible 
>>>>>>> philosophies/secular religions.
>>>>>>> https://www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/2023/11/dont-create-the-torment-nexus.html 
>>>>>> -- 
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