

an open source
Redfish Group

The Santa Fe approach to wildfire evacuation planning

Oct 19, 2008

Lighting a fire on the Digital Sandtable

Scanning the height of the sandtable using "structured light" technique. Requires only webcam and LCD projector.


Applying hillshading based on sun direction

May 7, 2008: Video of sandtable with height detection and lighter fire starts
April 20, 2008:
Monte Del Sol students using sand table for Sim SkiArea
April 8, 2008:
New sandtable developed at sfComplex by Redfish Group
May 3, 2007:
Demonstration at UNM Games Programming Class. Using Sandia mountains topography
April 28, 2007:
Demonstration of sandtable at the Lake Arrowhead Human Complex Systems Conference
March 1, 2007:
Construction and use photos from Josh's new light table that will support both top and bottom projection. Table top is made from plexiglass to support multitouch.
Feb 20, 2007: Photos from experimentation with white sand
Feb 13, 2007: Photos of student agent-based modelers from Monte Del Sol High School interacting with sand table
Feb 7, 2007: Video test recording IR shadows for potential use with Photometric Stereo to determine sand heightmap.
Feb 6, 2007: Hacking a webcam to record infrared and filter out visible light

Jan 30, 2007: Images of first use. Video of prototype table