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Special Guests:
- Heinz Stucke, the cyclonaut's guru, Guinness Book record holder for his almost 40 years ongoing multi around the world journey, in year 2000, over 400,000 km in the bottom bracket and approx.165 countries visited. Read more about him on: www.bikechina.com/heinzstucke1.html , www.martin.onlinehome.de/sO6/sO6.html www.atkielski.com/inlink.html?/PhotoGallery/Paris/General/HeinzStuckeSmall.html To support him, you can order his booklet at: Heinz Stucke - 11, Bachstrasse - D-33161 Hölverhof - Germany.
- Eric Attwell, South African born in 1914, is probably the first cyclist, with his brother, Jack, to have cycled the entire African continent from Port Elisabeth, South Africa, to London in 1936.
- Jonathan Sumerfields started Easter 2001 a world tour by Pennyfarthing, following the path of the American Thomas Stevens who realized the same tour between 1885 and 1888!
- Jean Naud, met in Cinghetti, Mauritania (Dec. 00). He crossed the Sahara desert from Alger to Timbuktu (1986) on a 3 wheel self-made bicycle and relates his story in French in:
Trois Roues pour Tombouctou 3200 kilometres a travers le Sahara
Ed. Albin Michel. Coll. "Aventure au XXeme Siecle", 1987. ISBN 2-226-03095-6.
His bike is shown at the "Musee National des Sports" in Paris.- Kadiri Driss, a Moroccan handicapped cyclist who rode around the world and wrote his adventures in "Song": "SONG - L'histoire du globe-trotter handicape qui a defie le monde a bicyclette"; editions Illustrographe; 63001 Sale; 1999. ISBN 9981-1992-O-6. Private address: B.P. 246, Sale, Morocco.
- The disabled Moroccan Mohammed Azourar has tricycled over 17000 kilometers (trips in '95, '97 and '00) around his country and Libya. This year, the filmmaker Amin Nakrachi will realize a 7 min. movie about him and Velovision mag an article. He is planning a 'round the world journey by tricycle in the next few years. He welcomes any help! Mobile phone: 061836412 in Morocco. (French & Arabic languages).
- The Swiss couple Nicole and Serge Roetheli, good friends of the yak (see e-mail "The Magic line") started around the world by running for charity, www.runforkids.org, on February 13, 2000 in Massongex, Switzerland.
- Olivier Rognon (heno@hetnet.nl), the yak's personal drawer.
- Qualitative bike humor, photo and literature on: www.BikeReader.com Including a Yak story.
- Claude has agreed to contribute articles for Peter Elan's new magazine, Velo Vision. Peter used to be editor of BCQ and has worked with Claude on previous articles. See news story and also in the FAQ.
- Quotations about "Cyclosophie" in French.
- Rickshaw Art
Bike Messengers:
- To know more about the fastest postmen in history International Federation of Bike Messengers Association (IFBMA)
- Everything about the famous New York Bike messengers
- Swiss Bike Messengers
- Cyclone Couriers from Wheelalternatives, York and UK wide couriers' website.
- Krick Cyclomessagerie,Geneva's bike messengers site.
Bike Paths:
- The Santa-Barbara Bike Coalition
- "L'Aspic", the Geneva, Switzerland Association of defense of cyclists, which promotes the bike in the city has linked this web-site with its own.
- Pedalibre,Êmember of ConBici (Coordinara en Defensa de la Bici), Madrid, Spain. E-mail: pedalib@teleline.es and to MERALLO@teleline.esÊPublishes a magazine twice a year. Ê
- Ciudadanos Ciclistas de Pampluna (CCCP), Spain.
- Brian Campbell, the creator and producer of the "Geo-Fleet", a complete bicycle house, is reachable via "Auto-Free Times" Alliance For A Paving Moratorium/FFPA/Sustainable Energy Institute, Box 4347. Arcata, CA 95518, USA, which publishes a quarterly magazine. E-mail: alliance@tidepool.com
- The Institute For Transportation and Development Policy, a mine of information and links about cycling and ecology.
- Transport Alternatives, an organization for human powered and low consuming vehicles.
- Recycle-A-Bike, a New York bike-recycling experience.
- Bikes no bombs! a nonprofit American based bike recycling association for Latin America. Address: 59 Amory Street #1O3A, Roxbury, Ma 02119,USA, Phone: (617) 442-0004.
- FABIO - First African Bicycle Information Office Plot 9, Main street, Jinja town, Uganda, information and support of sustainable transport, help for bike travelers, accommodation possible. Web-site under construction. Email: fabio@source.co.ug, noyen-pershon@t-online.de and africa.bike@ilo.de
- BSPW - Bicycle Sponsorship Project & Workshop, also in Jinja (near the Nile Breweries) assemble and promote the use of bicycles in poor rural areas in Uganda.
- Pedals For Progress, a nonprofit organization, collecting bikes for Africa, by David Schweidenback.
- "Velos pour l'Afrique" (Burkina-Faso), an action among others of the association Etre comme les autres
- The biggest market of secondhand bicycles in Germany (www.radSCOUT.de and www.gebrauchtrad.de) E-mail: uherwig@gwdg.de
- German secondhand bicycle market online: www.gebrauchtmarkt.de
- All kinds of human powered vehicles on: www.workbike.org Also a story about the Yak
- Cyclo-Camping International (CCI), French based association of world wide bike travelers, excellent e-mail: CCI@club-internet.fr
Adventure Cycling, The American Cyclonauts' site- Circulo de Ciclistas de Largo Alcance (CICLA), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Cyclotourism association and bike cultural center which organizes bike trips and weekly rides, mechanic courses, started a bike library and videotheque, publishes a bimonthly bulletin and agenda, and offers discounts on components for members.
- Der Informationsdienst fur Radreisen und Fernradler - in German, a mine of information for cyclonauts.
- Trips for kids, non profit volunteer organization that promotes MTB outings, environmental education and bicycle mechanics training for low income youth.
- Join and/or benefit of the Australian Bicycle Home Hosting Association
- Tandem Club of America Web-site
- Global Cycle nonprofit organization whose mission is to circumnavigate the globe via bicycle providing children with an opportunity to build connections through interactive educational experiences fostering in them a passion for discovery.
- The Peaceride, a collective world tour by bike dedicated to promote Peace, soon through South America.
- B.O.B. For Beast of Burden, the famous "YAK trailer": Philip Novotny
On Riding Cyclonauts:World tours:
Steve Seal and Emiko, Fax/Voice Mail: +1-661-825_8925. Email: emisteve@cyclists.club.ne.jp January 29, '01: Steve and Emiko stopped their 11 years long world journey abruptly and flew to Japan. Emiko suffers from cancer. She has her own web-site about her fight for health (www.ny.airnet.ne.jp/kanami/emi.htm). They estimate to stay there for about a year, but are determined to ride on after. Any message of support most welcome! Australian Steve and Japanese Emiko have pedalled over 100,000 kms.- Ernst Meister, worldbiker who has never taken an airplane, started his journey in March '96 from Switzerland and expects to cross his finishline by the end of the year 2000/beg. of 2001. In November 2000, he was in Khartoum, Sudan.
- The Swiss Marcus Krusi started his worldjourney on a recumbent bike on August 2nd 1999.
- Japanese 'round the world cyclist website Daisuke Nakanishi July '99, km 20,000, Nothkapp, Europe. email: daisukebike@hotmail.com. In November 2000, he was in Dakar, Senegal.
- All about smoking, drinking and cycling, by the self-defined "lazy smoking Japanese cyclist" Shinji Kano (lazybiker@hotmail.com), riding since 1997 from Tibet to Cape Town and then through South America in the year 2000.
- Mariano Lorefice from Buenos Aires, Argentina, presents his world journeys
- Los Bicicletos, a group of Spanish cyclists, (November 2000 in Ghana), heading for South Africa. Less than a year into their world tour. Soon a website.
- Cyclists Bicycle Organizing Tour for Global Peace and Justice, by Andrew Pearson
- A Belgian cyclist on a worldtour. E-mail: Luc._Janssen@tijd.com
- Round the world' on recumbent bikes (Europe, Asia, Australia, America) by the Swiss Marie (47) and Patrice Baleno (56), (email: patrice.baleno@edimail.ch) Departure: Geneva, March 17, 2000. Former owners of a bistro, they will publish a gastronomical report in "La Tribune de Geneve" monthly.
- Patrice Ponza rides around the world to promote the use of French , "Tour du Monde pour la Francophonie" On two wheels from Sept. 5 '99 to Sept. 2001. Email: patricponza@yahoo.fr
- Olivier and Patrick Pierard (o_pierard@hotmail.com), two brothers from Belgium on a worldtour from Sept.30, 2000 to April 2002). Follow there tracks!
- By December 2000 in Morrocco and perhaps (?) back in year 2003 in France. The two Frenchmen, both Fabrice as F. Norbert (pipine@hotmail.com) and F. Pinault (noctan@hotmail.com) to see on : Http://avelo.free.fr
- Olivier Peix (opeix@hotmail.com), a French photographer since Sept. 2000 on a 1.5 year worldtour.
- Frabrice Taïb (fabrice_fabrice@yahoo.com), a French filmaker on a one year worldtour (10.7.00 to sept 2001), realizing a movie about all of his encounters. And a story about the yak
- Laurent Tuffi presents himself fast and efficient on http://perso.wanado.fr/tuffi/pages/defil.htm
- Van Hoof Rudi, (beg. February 01 in Cairo) rode during 8 months through S.America in '99, started again in Nov. '99 to cross S.America and Africa from South to North. He plans to ride on in Asia until Australia.
- The Spanish Fiz Alvarez Gonzalez, 21, a few months on the road, soon with a Morrocan dog, collaborates regularly by phone with the programme "El Lattero" on "Cadena SER" radiostation, Spain. More on: www.mundobici.com.
- Vinzent Börre presents his jourey on: www.weltenradler.de
A Swiss cyclist, Michel Flach from Niederhasli (CH) to Hong Kong www.bikeadventure.ch.- "Biking South East Asia with Mr. Pumpy", a funny and well animated website by Felix Hude.
- "Los Ciclonautas", of Queretaro, Fernando Quintero and Andrei Montero, will start on May 31 '98 a one year trip (with no date of return) to Buenos Aires, Argentina. Happy travel. Soon a website!
- German /South Korean couple www.solutions-partner.de riding from Switzerland since July '98. So far through the Middle East, India, Indonesia, Taiwan, Philippines. No date of return.
- Discover the adventures of the biker Pascal to on website!
- The "Janne Corax'Site" (janne.corax@ihateclowns.com), a Swedish traveler/cyclist and his numerous trips here and there on a beautiful website.
- The Taiwanese female Vicky Lin (vickybike@yahoo.com) is presenting her world tour by parts on: www.hin.es.comtw/travel/bike
- Unknown South American rider (rosicrucian22@mixmail.com) and his thoughts about traveling by bike (kfree.8k.com)
- Mister Bike-Records Hubert Schwarz presents his numerous challenges on: www.hubert-schwarz.com
- Four French through Asia, from Samarkande, Ouzbekistan to Irkoutsk, Russia.
- Cass Gilbert rides from Australia to London for Children With Aids e-mail: cassgilbert@hotmail.com
- Florian Helfrich , a Swiss through Asia
- North Cameroonese female cyclist Limissia Sophie is looking for a coach.
Cyclonauts:World tours:
- Tatsu Sakamoto , a Japanese around-the-world cyclist rode through Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia (including Tibet & Bhutan), Alaska, Canada and South America from September '95 to December '99. His book "Yatta" (I've done it!), is 240 pages including 80 pages of color picures will be available in Japanese by the beginning of 2001. The benefits of the sale will be given to charity and to people who helped him along the way. Email: tatsu@photo.design.co.jp
- Kate Treharne and Eric Lynn, a British couple around the world for 5 years (Europe, Asia, America, Africa). Back since the end of 2000 they are currently working on a book.
- Catherine and Franck, with their 5 year old daughter Madeleine came back the beginning of 2000 from a 2 year Vancouver-Ushuaia trip by bike. They would be pleased to present their theatrical slide show to any interested persons.A self-published book is available at: Franck, Catherine et Madeleine Gaumé - "Bétania" -2o, rue de Houdemont - F-54500 Vandoeuvre, France - Tel :
- Craig Walker, Scottish cyclist on his "Pacific Circle of Fire" tour for charity from Ushuaia (1991), to Australia to Australia which he reached in 2000 . 2nd e-mail: cwfire@hotmail
- Goran Kropp, from Sweden, who rode in 1996 his bike (fully equipped with climbing gear!) from Stockholm to the Everest base camp, climbed Everest solo and simply rode back home.
- John and Glen, two cyclists who left Vancouver in November '97 and reached La Paz, Baja California by the end of '97 epicride@hotmail.com
- Julie Lapointe, nicknamed "Charlotte", solo woman by bike & bus to Ushuahia, e-mail: julielapointe@hotmail.com
- LOS MONOS The excellent adventure, two others animals on two wheels, of Patrick Corde and Benoit Sari from Quebec, who rode through seven countries, 4500 kms from Mexico to Panama, presenting a theater performance along their way. Follow their original journey on their excellent French website the two monkeys.
- Martine and Gerald Cornier, a French couple on two wheels. 4 years through Africa. Since 1994: 40000 kilometers and 23 countries. In June 1999 they flew from Durban, South Africa to Sao Paolo, Brasil, year 2000 in South America. They arrived back in France in Spring 2001!
- Juanjo Alonso "Capitan Pedales", Madrid, Spain: Author of 17 books, mostly about bike tours, known for "La Vuelta Al Mundo En Bicilceta" (70000 km), available directly by e-mail.
Christoph Sauser Swiss cyclist, met summer '96 in Lhasa, Tibet. Throughout Asia, 40389 kilometers, departed Switzerland May 24.'95 and back on Oct. 4 '97.- Ray Kreisel - Tibetan Journeys
- Jamie Ponsiglione - Claude's cycling companion to Ushuaia. Jamie cycled from Temuco, Chile to Ushuaia, Argentina plus the west and east coast of the USA.
- Sebastian Medina, nicknamed "Ruedas" (ruedasnomadas@hotmail.com): riding around Latin America from Houston (Texas) since January '98, heading for Tierra del Fuego.
- Zimbabwe by bike: keep an eye on Paul Brossier and Jean-Christophe Guy, two French cyclists, selected by "La Guilde Europenne du Raid" and sponsored by "La Mairie de Paris."
- Israel Roca, Spanish cyclist, pedaled during 1998-1999 from South Africa to Ethiopia.
- A short bike trip through Mozambique, by Duncan Guy.
- A bike brings you everywhere but there: how a Swiss couple, 2.5 year on the road, ended up having a backpackers hostel, La Torre Suiza in Chile, with a special welcome to cyclists.
- Beatrice Luzzatto Giulani and Emmanuel Benjamin, a French couple on a tandem throughout the Americas (August 16 '99 - Nov.2000), studying the different rites of marriages and divorces along their way.
- The Swiss couple Philippe Monnier and Laetitia will ride from March 22 to the end of August 2000 through Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia and Indonesia.
- Raphael Krafft and Laurent Loubet, two French pedaleurs, on an Ushuaia-Fairbanks ride. Raphael broadcasts regularly to Radio France International (RFI) and other stations and Laurent works as a photographer.Back in France by the end of 2000.
- From Switzerland to Tibet by J.C. Boillat
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