[FRIAM] Quants at CMU

Frank Wimberly wimberly3 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 23 14:46:52 EST 2017


A legacy to be proud of.


Frank Wimberly
Phone (505) 670-9918

On Dec 23, 2017 10:09 AM, "Pamela McCorduck" <pamela at well.com> wrote:

> Whatever their secret sauce is, I wish CMU would bottle it and sell it.
> The School of Computer Science is nearly 50/50 women/men students, and from
> all over. And it’s no secret, of course: outstanding women faculty, and
> programs designed to make women at home in a larger field that has been
> notoriously unwelcoming—downright hostile—to them in the past.
> i’m proud to say that my late husband, Joseph Traub, when he was head of
> the department, hired the first two women faculty members in computer
> science at CMU. One was Mary Shaw, who occupies a named chair at CMU these
> days, and one was Anita Jones, who went on to control a
> several-billion-dollar budget for Defense Department research.
> Joe’s top graduate students are both Chinese-born. H. T. Kung (whom he
> brought with him from the University of Washington when he took the
> Carnegie job) is now William Gates Professor of Computer Science at
> Harvard. David Lee—oh, whoops, David was a Columbia Ph.D. But Joe’s Ph.D.
> students came from all over, and though his field is very densely
> mathematics based, he had many women students he advised.
> PMcC
> On Dec 23, 2017, at 8:31 AM, Frank Wimberly <wimberly3 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I just received the Mathematical Sciences Newsletter from Carnegie
> Mellon.  This is a photo of a group of undergraduates who completed
> research projects in the summer of 2017 in the mathematics of finance.
> They are almost entirely female and Asian.  The only “Anglos” seem to be
> the faculty advisors.  Impressive.
> <image001.jpg>
> Frank
> Frank C. Wimberly
> 140 Calle Ojo Feliz
> Santa Fe, NM 87505
> wimberly3 at gmail.com     wimberly at cal.berkeley.edu
> Phone:  (505) 995-8715      Cell:  (505) 670-9918
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