[FRIAM] FW: Fractal discussion Landscape-bird songs
Steven A Smith
sasmyth at swcp.com
Wed Feb 15 20:05:56 EST 2017
Nick -
This is one of your (wonderfully, and I mean that seriously) naive
questions, and the naive answer is yes, they are surely coupled. I'm
very interested in "soundscapes" so am often very aware of both the
complex passive structure of most soundscapes (especially landscape vs
urbanscape) and the active (birdsongs, garbage trucks, wind in the
willows, sirens, ice-floes, domestic disturbances) elements.
You are likely to have a better idea than I do about whether bird's
songs are likely to be *formulated* in a more or less complex manner
when in a complex "landscape". I would guess yes to this. I would
guess that the three most relevant scales are roughly the scale of the
bird's body, it's food-source, and it's natural predators. How well
can it hide, how well can it's food hide, and how well does it's
predator hide. I"m sure this is an overly simplified model.
I think rather than fractal (literally), the more relevant concept is
"with structure at many scales".
IN any case, welcome to Alberto! My own daughter happens to be a
researcher in Flaviviruses, traditionally West Nile and Dingue, but now
is drawn into the Zika thing... I look forward to hearing more from
you Alberto!
- Steve
On 2/15/17 3:57 PM, Nick Thompson wrote:
> Helloooo, List,
> I would like to introduce to you Alberto Alaniz (who describes himself
> in the communication below). I “met” him on Research Gate when he
> downloaded a paper of mine on the structural organization of bird
> song. I noticed that he was writing from a Landscape Department, and
> I thought, “A landscape person who is interested in birdsong! He must
> be interested in fractals!” And I was right. So please welcome him.
> Steve please note?
> The idea of his that I particularly want to hear you discuss is his
> notion that fractality (is that a word?) in one domain can effect,
> affect, impose? fractality in another. So is there a relationship
> between the fractality which my research revealed in the organization
> of bird song and the fractality of the landscapes on which bird
> behavior is deployed.
> I particularly wonder what Kim Sorvig and Jenny Quillen and ProfDave
> think about this, but also wonder if others on the list could put an
> oar in.
> Thanks,
> Nick
> Nicholas S. Thompson
> Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Biology
> Clark University
> http://home.earthlink.net/~nickthompson/naturaldesigns/
> <http://home.earthlink.net/%7Enickthompson/naturaldesigns/>
> *From:*Alberto Jose Alaniz [mailto:alberto.alaniz at ug.uchile.cl]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, February 15, 2017 2:21 PM
> *To:* nthompson at clarku.edu
> *Subject:* Fractal discussion Landscape-bird songs
> Dear Nick
> I apreciate so much your invitation, so i really intrested in
> participate of your discussion group. I am a young researcher
> finishing my MS, and this types of oportunities look very good for my,
> specially if i can interact with other scientics. About your question,
> of course you can share my oppinion, now if you want i can writte a
> compleate opinion in extenso, and i will send to you tomorrow in the
> afternon.
> My field of study is the ecologial modelling and the conservation
> biology, the last year i published my firsts papers in Biological
> conservation and International Journal of Epidemiology, the first one
> about ecosystem conservation and the secondth is a global model of
> exposure risk to Zika virus. Currently im working in ecosystems and in
> assessment of habitat loss in forest specialist species (with Kathryn
> Sieving from University of Florida).
> *Alberto Alaniz Baeza*
> Lic. en Geografía, Geógrafo & Magíster (c) Áreas Silvestres y Conservación
> Becario, Laboratorio de Ecología de Ambientes Fragmentados
> Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas Animales, U. de Chile
> Investigador, Laboratorio de Ecología de Ecosistemas
> Departamento de Recursos Naturales Renovables, U. de Chile
> Académico, Centro de Formación Técnica del Medio Ambiente IDMA
> +56996097443
> https://albertoalaniz.wordpress.com/
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