[FRIAM] Postmodernism for Rationalists

Prof David West profwest at fastmail.fm
Sat Nov 18 19:44:09 EST 2017

I believe Frank is generally right. However,when I was in college in the
late sixties hippies were in full bloom but  Maynard G Krebs (Adventures
of Dobie Gillis) was a TV icon and Lord Buckley was on the pop radio.
dave west

On Sat, Nov 18, 2017, at 05:39 PM, Frank Wimberly wrote:
> In my experience, growing up in n the Bay Area, Beatniks had come and
> gone before the Hippies emerged.> 
> Frank
> Frank Wimberly
> Phone (505) 670-9918
> On Nov 18, 2017 11:15 AM, "Steven A Smith" <sasmyth at swcp.com> wrote:
>> Glen ☣-
>>  A Postmodernist trying to Rationalize Postmodernism to Rationalists?>> 
>>  Actually I found it somewhat interesting...  and was (nicely?) put
>>  off by the formatting... the ragged use of bullet points... a
>>  "bulleted list of one" seems very symbolic of my caricature of PoMo
>>  aesthetic.>> 
>>  As for the summary you included here from the presentation:
>>  Best of Times:
>>>     A) my introduction (informal) to PoMo presented significantly as
>>>        both dogmatic and ideological... but that may have been
>>>        partly projection and partly the selectivity of what I
>>>        *recognized as* PoMo.>>>      2) The "focus on human values" is a tautological statement?
>>>         PoMo seems to be centered (to the exclusion of all else) on
>>>         a subjectivity that is intrinsically "human" and maybe even
>>>         more acutely "self" as in "self-centered"?    I'm not trying
>>>         to say that I don't find the PoMo perspective useful and
>>>         even appealing in many ways, but in it's purest form, it
>>>         would seem to degenerate to pure narcissism (without
>>>         judgement of that)?>>>      c.) Definitely seems to help "expand the mind" in roughly the
>>>        same manner that hallucinagens do?  I also don't mean that to
>>>        be acutely dismissive, but the mechanism seems to be similar
>>>        to this, and/or maybe "annealing" with repeated (arbitrary?)
>>>        randomizing of the smallest elements with thermal excitation?>>>      IV) This one feels like the most useful (or least challenging?)
>>>      of his observations.>> 
>> Worst of Times:
>>>     .0 My earliest introduction to PoMo was exclusively (selective
>>>     hearing?) used to push shoddy agendas...  I observed it being
>>>     used as a turd in the punchbowl more than anything.  I think I'm
>>>     (well?) past judging it by that early introduction, but I think
>>>     the author cited here is (in other text) pointing at the abuses
>>>     of the Alt.Right these days.>>>      II.) I like the allusion to Cargo Cult...  and it fits the
>>>      superficial approach of PoMo as I apprehend it...   elevating
>>>      correlation (free association)  to the level of causation.
>>>      Ignoring the implicit commutativity in the Form/Function
>>>      duality.  I don't mean PoMo is intrinsically superficial, but
>>>      rather that it is often invoked in that mode and perhaps (too)
>>>      often apprehended that way in an attempt to dismiss it's
>>>      confrontational style (nature?).>>>      c.a) 0.0 above exhibited in this way more than not... it was
>>>           the tool of self-styled "young Turks" who, in some ways,
>>>           like the Anarchists of early c20, recognized that it is
>>>           easier (and can be more satisfying) to toss a bomb into
>>>           things than it is to try to deconstruct/reconstruct
>>>           thoughtfully.>>>      Zed ☣) The existential loneliness of PoMo seems to associate it
>>>      with Nihilism and may drive the worst aspects of it's
>>>      presentation in culture?>> 
>> PoMo seems "mature" enough now that it, itself is wanting to be
>> received seriously (trying to rationalize itself to rationalists?).
>> It's (unfortunate) association with the Beat culture (my experience
>> growing up was that the Beats were mostly the over-30 dropout men who
>> were trying to horn in on the youth culture of the Hippies,
>> especially (surprise!) the girls) and aspects of the (subsequent) drop-
>> out culture exemplified by the Merry Pranksters.>> 
>>  But what comes after/follows-from PoMo?   Post-Postmodernism?
>>  MetaModernism?   A plenitude of *modernisms (as suggested by the
>>  PoMo aesthetic?)>> 
>>  From the Wikipedia Post Postmodernism entry:
>>> *Salient features of postmodernism are normally thought to include
>>> the ironic play with styles, citations and narrative
>>> levels,**[6][1]** a metaphysical skepticism or **nihilism[2]**
>>> towards a “**grand narrative[3]**” of Western culture,**[7][4]** a
>>> preference for the virtual at the expense of the real (or more
>>> accurately, a fundamental questioning of what 'the real'
>>> constitutes)**[8][5]** and a “waning of affect”**[9][6]** on the
>>> part of the subject, who is caught up in the free interplay of
>>> virtual, endlessly reproducible signs inducing a state of
>>> consciousness similar to schizophrenia.**[10][7]*>> All I know about PoPoMo I just read in Wikipedia (how non-PoMo of
>> me?) but recognize some of the ideas and names referenced there.
>> Eric Gan's PostMillenialism struck me for it's dismissal (judgement?)
>> of PoMo as "victimary thinking"... a corollary of nihilism?   I don't
>> really take Gan's Generative Anthropology seriously (though it has
>> interesting ideas) and DO (against my personal convenience) believe
>> in a postCapitalist/postDemocracy (r)evolution on the cusp of
>> happening (perhaps even in my lifetime?).>> 
>>  I also find something interesting in this description of
>>  metaModernism (same source):>> 
>>> *As examples of the metamodern sensibility Vermeulen and van den
>>> Akker cite the 'informed naivety', 'pragmatic idealism' and
>>> 'moderate fanaticism' of the various cultural responses to, among
>>> others, climate change, the financial crisis, and (geo)political
>>> instability.*>>> *The prefix 'meta' here refers not to some reflective stance or
>>> repeated rumination, but to Plato's **metaxy[8]**, which intends a
>>> movement between opposite poles as well as beyond.**[25][9]*>> 
>> Fire away!
>>   - Sieve
>>> HTML:
>>> https://palegreendot.net/rrg_notes/2017/10/09/rrg-reading-notes.html
>>> PDF:
>>> https://palegreendot.net/assets/2017-10-09/postmodernism_for_rationalists.pdf
>>> I appreciated these 2 slides:

>>>> • Postmodernism at its best  · Not dogmatic and ideological ·
>>>> Focuses on human values · Allows you to approach and understand
>>>> other subjects and viewpoints · Acknowledges that the territory
>>>> might require multiple maps  • Postmodernism at its worst  · Used
>>>> to push shoddy political agendas · Cargo cult ideology · Used to
>>>> rationalize and excuse asocial behavior · Results in existential
>>>> loneliness

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  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-postmodernism#cite_note-6
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nihilism
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_narrative
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-postmodernism#cite_note-7
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-postmodernism#cite_note-8
  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-postmodernism#cite_note-9
  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-postmodernism#cite_note-10
  8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metaxy
  9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-postmodernism#cite_note-25
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