[FRIAM] The World Turned Upside Down (and what to do about it)

Roger Critchlow rec at elf.org
Thu Sep 14 20:42:31 EDT 2017

Hmm, my NPR station was talking about how Myanmar is committed to the lie
that there is no Rohingya minority to be persecuted, only illegal Bengali
immigrants who are being deported back to Bangladesh, this despite
historical evidence that the earliest Bengali settlements began in the 15th
century and most of the population centers were established in the 17th
century.  Hence we have a Nobel Peace Prize recipient presiding over a
government pursuing a policy of ethnic cleansing under the guise of
immigration reform.

So I don't think I really care if the Trumpistas think he's being
persecuted.  He deserves to be persecuted for being such a liar on
questions of life or death.

-- rec --

On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 4:36 PM, gⅼеɳ ☣ <gepropella at gmail.com> wrote:

> Cautionary tales are nothing to be afraid of.  I think this is something
> completely misunderstood by people who don't watch enough horror movies.
> You don't watch The Walking Dead and think "Don't open that door!  Don't
> open the door!!!!"  You watch it and *know* that if you were there, you'd
> open the door, too.  The trick is how you would do it and what it means to
> do it.
> On 09/14/2017 01:27 PM, Merle Lefkoff wrote:
> > Have any of you been watching the t.v. Hulu series of Margaret Atwood's
> "The Handmaid's Tale"?  I read it three decades ago and it is spooking me
> out once more because the understory is the normalization of a subversive
> societal move toward a dystopian fascist state. It's promoted as science
> fiction, but it's very real and beware-- incredibly hard to watch.  Women
> in the new society, of course, get the worst of it.  Duh.
> --
> ☣ gⅼеɳ
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