[FRIAM] Maybe a new hardware approach to deal with AI developments

gⅼеɳ ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Wed Sep 20 13:16:47 EDT 2017

On 09/20/2017 10:08 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> I think the spirit of the NY Times article, and current trends, is _not_ to reify.

Right.  That's what I was saying. 8^)  But my guess is RussA isn't seeing this conversation.

> Graphics processors, tensor processors, FPGAs, spiking systems, quantum annealers, etc. are by in large tackling machine learning, not engineered intelligence (class AI) or even (necessarily) supervised learning.   We are _blinded_ by what we think we know.  

And the further point is that general intelligence simply does. not. exist.  Like the self, it's trickery... an ephemeral binding or syncopation of our various particular intelligences.  By this reasoning, one day, we'll simply wake up and notice that our car, with all it's little pieces of machine learning have resulted in accidentally/stigmergically engineered intelligence.

☣ gⅼеɳ

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