[FRIAM] Doxastic logic - Wikipedia

┣glen┫ gepropella at gmail.com
Fri Sep 22 10:55:39 EDT 2017

On 09/22/2017 07:20 AM, Nick Thompson wrote:
> All right.  I admit it.  I know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about logic.

And that's not true, either. 8^)  You know more about logic than an overwhelming majority of people.  The trick is you're convinced of the unitarity and hegemony of some particular type of logic.  Lots of people feel that way, including many metamathematicians.  But lots of people also disagree.  C'est la vie?

> I was TRYING to write a tautology.  So I guess I should have written, "X is Y; therefore, X is Y.  Is THAT a tautology.   I know you have tried to explain this to me before.

Yes.  But I don't think this is a fruitful path for the conversation.  The fruitful path was seized upon by Eric, Marcus, and Roger.  I'd be interested to hear how you (and others) answer Roger's question:  "So when the actor believes in a probabilistic network of possible futures, updates those expectations according to each iota of evidence as it is received, and acts accordingly, is that belief or skepticism?"


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