[FRIAM] Los "países de mierda" le dejan millones de dólares a EE.UU.

uǝlƃ ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Mon Jan 22 15:00:50 EST 2018

Ha!  We don't need to go to such rhetorical extremes!  I *am* a member of the Dandelion Lovers tribe.  But not because I like the overly bitter leaves in my salad.  I'm a reluctant member of the DL because it's a fantastic bittering herb for beer ... and it's infinitely cheaper than hops ... because it's free and grows in the yard ... if you don't mow, anyway.  Finish off the boil with some hops and toss some in later and your beer snob tribe will never know the difference.

On 01/22/2018 11:51 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> So some of the neighbors that have these weird expectations may band together to attempt to pressure you into mowing and other things.   Perhaps you are an adherent of a Plants Rights organization, and don't want to torture natural processes with high RPM rotors.  Heck, you had no idea that people would do such things!   Now you have become of a `member' of this grass-torturing-tribe.   Why should you want to do anything `useful' for this tribe?  

☣ uǝlƃ

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