[FRIAM] merging with the mob

uǝlƃ ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Thu Jan 25 17:49:03 EST 2018

I laughed, though I'm not a logician.

But both of you are pointing out why "some things in moderation" is different from "everything ... including moderation".  The latter is obviously loopy, self-referential.  It wears its "logical depth" on its sleeve.  The former is flattened out, which is what makes it closer to "this sentence is false", but also more hermeneutic ... an inside joke.  It moves some of the loopiness from the sequence of words into the words.

By invoking "everything in moderation, including moderation", my intention is to say we should all go crazy sporadically.  Not periodically, sporadically.  I.e. even the moderation of one's moderation should be merely somewhat moderated moderation.  And so on ...  There has to be a better word for "irregular" than "some" ... unpredictably moderated?  Moderate chaos?  Regulated chaos? Chaotic governance?  Hmmm.

On 01/25/2018 02:27 PM, Steven A Smith wrote:
> btw... as I wrote that I realized how differently we use the term
> "moderate"  as a verb and as an adjective or noun.   The noun seems to
> naturally derive from the verb... that if a process is moderated then
> it's outcome/result will be "moderate" relative to the range in an
> "unmoderated" process, but it is interesting that some of the Noun-ness
> seems to stick to the Verb-ness...  in particular I think we often
> conflate the results of "a moderated process" with being "moderate" in
> the sense of "mediocre" or perhaps "mild"

☣ uǝlƃ

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