[FRIAM] [integrated|emergent] self

uǝlƃ ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Tue Jan 30 12:00:48 EST 2018

We've had some healthy melee around the concept of the self.  So, perhaps these two articles would be interesting:


  Are you sleepwalking now?

The former is, surprisingly, a little too reliant on philosophy for me.  The latter has a better veneer of science to it. Of course, my ignorance allows me to disagree with them both, in different particulars.  But it's always good to study one's opponents. 8^)

And, as long as I'm sending Aeon content, here's one from a familiar voice (with which I completely agree):

  Why hiring the ‘best’ people produces the least creative results

☣ uǝlƃ

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